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Dogs in Translation Workbook by Katja Krauss and Gabi Maue
- Original price was: £12.99.£9.99Current price is: £9.99.
- In the book, Dogs In Translation, there were a wide variety of expressions, communication signals and behaviours which dogs use in different situations. With this workbook, the aim is to help you school your eye so you are able to pick up the important, subtle details that reveal how our dogs feel. It features photos or photo sequences, with a…
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I’m Listening – Book by Christine Schwartz
- £15.95
- What if you gave your dog more choices? And took a closer look at common practices. Do they foster a close trusting relationship and encourage your dog to be confident? Are we boycotting our training attempts? This book is not suitable for the dog guardian who is looking for blind obedience but speaks to those who are seeking a true…
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Nasty Noises from Cowering to Calm by Dr Erica Cosijn
- £24.95
- New book By Dr. Erica Cosijn to help you understand more about why Dogs are scared of noise and she will introduce us to strategies from the Tellington TTouch toolbox along with other strategies she uses to help noise-sensitive dogs. Whilst this book has been written as a stand-alone book it is also the companion book to Erica's two-day noise-sensitivity…
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Whales and Dolphins of Great Britain book by Dylan Walker and Alex Wilson
- £11.95
- Britain's whale and dolphin watching industry now extends to almost every part of the country, and is very much part of mainstream tourism. Tens of thousands of people go whale and dolphin watching in British waters every year, utilising commercial operators, ferries and land-based viewpoints. This guide will appeal to general tourists as well as keen whale watchers and naturalists, encouraging more people than…
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All Wrapped Up For You, book by Robyn Hood with Mandy Pretty
- £21.95
- Everything you always wanted to know about BodyWraps for People: * Simple and easy to use * Effective and non-invasive * Improves coordination, balance, self-carriage and mental focus Includes colour photos
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Canine Body Language: Student Manual – book by Leanne McWade
- £24.99
- Why does your dog roll on their back? Is a Wagging tail the sign of a happy dog? Why does your dog like to sniff other dog's bottoms? If you would like to know the answers to these questions and more then this book is for you.
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Getting In TTouch with your dog book by Linda Tellington-Jones
- £13.00
- • A handbook to learning the main Tellington TTouches • Great Tools to enhance your relationship with your dog • TTouch is a gentle approach to influencing positive behaviour, health, and performance.
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Harnessing Your Dog’s Perfection book by Robyn Hood and Mandy Pretty
- £24.99
- Does Your Dog Pull On The Lead? Are Dog Walks Unpleasant? Would You Like A Calm, Relaxed Dog On-Lead If the answer to these questions is yes, this book is for you.
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Reactive Rascals: Student Manual – book by Leanne McWade
- £24.99
- This book by Leanne McWade is the perfect companion to help you understand reactivity
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All Wrapped Up For Pets, book by Robyn Hood with Mandy Pretty
- £17.99
- Body Wraps For Pets * Simple and easy to use * Effective and non-invasive * Improves coordination, balance, self-carriage and mental focus
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