Attend a tellington ttouch®

"I wanted to congratulate you, this was such a wonderful course. I am so impressed by the way you bring the work across. It was really beautiful."
Linda Tellington-Jones, Founder of the Tellington Method
Our Courses/Workshops
Currently we offer three different Tellington TTouch courses. We offer a 4-hour introductory course, a 4-hour follow on course. These course are without dogs and offered in a classroom environment or on Zoom, however we will have a dog with us to demonstrate some of the strategies.
We also offer a 2-day hands-on TTouch workshop focussing on teaching calmness to dogs, using the Tellington TTouch strategies. This course is offered to small groups and students are welcome to bring their dogs.
What Happens at A Workshop

There are many thousands of companion, as opposed to working, dogs owned by animal lovers. These dogs are normally adored by their owners who want the best for their pets. However there are many things that an average owner might not realise affect their animals in various ways and prevent them from living in the best and happiest ways.
Tellington TTouch® was founded by a particularly observant owner, Linda Tellington-Jones, some 50 years ago. She noticed that bodily issues are often linked to problems in behaviour, temperament and general attitude of animals and devised her sympathetic training methods to allow dogs and other animals to realise their true potential. Her work is now carried on by qualified practitioners worldwide through both workshops and individual sessions as required.
Attending a Dog Workshop

Tellington TTouch® workshops for companion animals give owners a new perspective into the whys and wherefores of their pets’ behaviour which might not have occurred to them previously. Any stiffness, lack of balance or other physical limitations has a measurable effect on an animal’s behaviour and mental state. The workshops impart new insights into the mental and physical connections of the animals and teach students practical skills to improve life for their pets.
Both skilled professionals and simply animal lovers benefit by discovering a new understanding of your dog or other animal and how best to interact with them.
The workshops teach students how to evaluate a dog’s physical problems, which are not always obvious, and hone observation skills and bring a new awareness in handlers as to how these may lead to negative behaviour.
The half-day, one- or two-day workshops have a fun atmosphere with a hands-on formula. Participants can either bring their own dogs or not as they prefer. Students often work in groups or pairs with each dog present, so either way there is no lack of subjects.
One of the advantages of a workshop is that students can learn a lot from working with or observing dogs they do not know and comparing them with their own.
The practitioner clinics, whether over five or six days or the shorter ones, are suitable for everyone and both cover bodywork techniques, ground and leading exercises and concurrent observations. They are run by a Tellington TTouch® Instructor or qualified practitioner who teach bodywork techniques in a hands-on manner, using the available dogs and also humans. This method provides clear feedback on the technique to enable students to spot and deal with physical problems in the future.
As well as bodywork, the practitioner also instructs attendees in Tellington TTouch® groundwork. This is a series of leading exercises developed to help the dog. Many of them are not actually well co-ordinated, balanced or have good posture even if they appear fine to the casual observer. Improvement in these areas, brought about gently and slowly, can change tension patterns and in turn improve behavioural problems.
Combined with the bodywork, the ground and leading exercises used in this training method permit an approach based on co-operation and understanding rather than the domination and control so often practised by those who, with the best of intentions, do not really comprehend how dogs, and indeed other animals, work.
Tellington TTouch® training can also be broken down into short sessions, making it easier for the dog to learn.
The clinics give you an opportunity to experience this approach for yourself while working with other dog lovers. Other new ideas about working with your dog will come to mind: you will be endowed with the ‘gift of possibility’.
The workshops also show you how to interpret body language as well as examining movement and behaviour and general physical traits. Instruction is also given in various TTouch techniques and when to use them as well as how to use dedicated TTouch equipment such as harnesses and bodywraps correctly.
The bodywork techniques are taught in a hands-on manner, and practised on the participating dogs, as well as on people, to provide clear feedback on technique. These sessions enable students to acquire many new skills to improve the general well-being, and by definition, often the behaviour, of their dogs.
Tellington TTouch® groundwork consists of a variety of gentle leading exercises developed to improve the dog’s physical condition by adjusting co-ordination, balance, posture, and straightness. As with humans, when the body is working well tension is dissipated and everything is easier.
There is no need to bring your own dog to a Tellington TTouch® training session. Many of the learning exercises are done in pairs or groups, and dogs are given down time to integrate what they have learned. Some participants are surprised to see how much they learn when observing or working with dogs they do not know or have preconceived assumptions about.
A workshop is the ideal place to experience the remarkable Tellington TTouch® approach to training for yourself, in company with other like-minded dog owners. The benefits will accrue to you as well as your dog.

This is a short 4-hour introduction to the Tellington TTouch method. This course is taught either in a classroom environment or live-stream. Students do not bring their own dogs to this course, however we will demonstrate some of the techniques on our demo dog, or on a stuffed dog.
This course is suitable for us to 35 people in person or 25 on Zoom. We advise students to bring sponges with them to practise the touches. We provide an e-book for people to read before they take the course.
The content of the course includes:
• What is the Tellington TTouch method?
• Understanding about tension in dogs?
• Looking at the link between posture and behaviour
• Observing dogs
• Learning body touches
• Learning about body wraps
• Loose lead walking and groundwork
With live stream course we will use a PowerPoint Presentation along with video clips and on in-person courses there will be live demos with one of our dogs.
This course is suitable for dog owners along with canine professionals – Click here to find out more

This is a short 4-hour follow on to the Tellington TTouch Introduction workshop. This course is taught live-stream on Zoom. We will demonstrate some of the techniques on our demo dog, or on a stuffed dog and students will have the opportunity to work with their own dogs.
This course is suitable for us to 25 people on Zoom. We advise students to bring sponges with them to practise the touches. We provide an e-book for people to read before they take the course.
The content of the course includes:
• Learning to build trust between you and your dog. Looking at observation and using Free Work
• Taking our touches to the next level, learning new touches and improving our technique.
• Learning new ways to tie body wraps and understanding their value
• Reviewing the TTouch leading techniques and adding ways we lead dogs with 2 or more handlers, the homing pigeon
With live stream course we will use a PowerPoint Presentation along with video clips and on in-person courses there will be live demos with one of our dogs.
This course is suitable for dog owners along with canine professionals – Click here to find out more

This hands-on 2-day workshop, formerly know as Zero to Hero and can only be taught in person. It is suitable for up to 12 students in a large hall or training centre. Over the two-days we will transform student to a good understanding of the method.
The Course combines classroom sessions with practical work with dogs. Whilst all students do no need to bring a dog we do require dogs to operate this course. We provide students with an e-book to read prior to attending the workshop.
The content of the course includes:
• What is the Tellington TTouch method?
• Understanding about tension in dogs?
• Canine body language
• Looking at the link between posture and behaviour
• Observing dogs and how Ace free work can help
• Canine emotions and relationships
• Learning body touches
• Learning about body wraps, how to tie them and how they work
• Loose lead walking, groundwork and ropework
• Stop dogs pulling seminar and practical session
This course is suitable for dog owners along with canine professionals – Click here to find out more