
Canine Body Language and Calmness Rocks Mega Bundle

Original price was: £160.35.Current price is: £143.95.

This package gives you 9 hours of live teaching and two printed 80-page student manuals.

Calmness Rocks January 24th  10am (GMT) £55

Canine Body Language January 31st 10am (GMT) £55

Printed copy of the TTouch Student manual by Alex Wilson £19.95

Printed copy of the Canine Body Language student manual by Leanne McWade £24.95

Book Postage £5.45

Discounted dog equipment for 5 days after each workshop

Access to the Xtra Dog Learning vault

Canine Body Language byLeanne McWade (part of bundle)

In stock

Tellington TTouch Student Manual by Alex Wilson (part of bundle)

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Calmness Rocks January24th 10am

Calmness Rocks Live-Stream workshop on Zoom

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