Talk Dog Online Course
Learn how to communicate with your dog and learn about their body language, emotions and how they interact with each other.
Get full access to the 3-step Canine Body Language and Tellington TTouch® Observations course and start to better understand and communicate with your dog. Achieve the relationship with your dog, you have always dreamed about.
START learning How To Observe your dog, the TTouch way, Canine Body Language, Canine Emotions, Dog Dog Interactions and Free Work
- Easy to learn 3 Module Course
- Keep the materials for life
- ​Engaging quizzes at the end of each video
- ​Your tutors, a senior Tellington TTouch® practitioner, Alex Wilson, and Level One practitioner, Nate Cant
- Facebook support group
The Course Is Made Up of 3 Simple Modules Anyone Can Master
Module #1
What is canine body language, observations and free work
In this first section we discuss how to better communicate with your dog
You will learn how to observe your dog, interpret their body language, you will learn why dogs do the things they do, including looking at the eyes, the ears, the tail, the posture and the cost of the dog. We will also look at free work and how to use it to better understand how our dog is communicating.
Module #2
Dog emotions deep dive
This is the section where we will learn about what emotions dogs are capable of and which ones they are not, we will learn about arousal, anxiety, stress, and much more
Module #3
Dog dog interactions
This is the section we will learn how dogs communicate and interact with each other, look at any differences when they are on lead and off lead, we will address, mounting, stalking and other behaviours.
Within the course we have included extensive photos and video to illustrate many different scenarios.
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