

This is a two-day deep dive into the Tellington TTouch method for dogs over 2-days on Zoom. in each 5-hour session we will discuss a number of elements of the work, watch videos and have group discussions.

We will teach you how to observe your dog and introduce you to Free Work.

We will be learning body touches

 We will start to Understand about wraps and other Tellington TTouch equipment

 We will look at how to stop dogs pulling on the lead the TTouch way

 ...and much more 

UPCOMING courses

New dates to be announced soon


Day One

  • Understanding about the Tellington Method including watching a pre-recorded session with Linda Tellington-Jones
  • Learning how to observe dogs, read their body language and use free work to read their signals. We also be watching videos and having a group discussion about observations and possible solutions
  • Bodywork session. Learn some of the TTouch bodywork and understand the 9 Elements of TTouch
  • Learning about body wraps

Section Three

  • The Tellington® Leading techiques, understanding how to teach dogs not to pull on the lead and why we use two-points of contact and connectors to walking a dog in a balanced way
  • Further bodywork session
  • Groundwork, what is is and how we use it, this session is taught (pre-recorded) by TTouch instructor Tina Constance
  • Group assignments, we have some scenarios to discuss as a group
  • ….and much more

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