You and Your Dog

Courses and Workshops

Learn To Work With Your Dog

We proudly offer a variety of courses for you and your dogs, most of our courses are CPD accredited. Learn on Zoom, in a classroom or in a workshop. Click on the logo below to be taken to the course of your choice.

Tellington TTouch® We offer a variety of courses, classroom, Zoom and in a workshop environment. Learn the incredible method and how to use it with your dog.

Canine Body Language, a classroom or Zoom based courses without your dog, where you will learn to understand how dogs communicate and how to observe them.

Reactive Rascals® a classroom or Zoom based course, without your dog, Here we will better understand reactive dogs or those who offer challenging behaviours and show you ways to mange and work with reactive dogs

Calmness Rocks, a classroom or Zoom based course, without your dog, learn to build calmness in your by understanding calmness and exploring tried and tested tools.