Why TTouch-for-You®?

TTouch-for-You® is a system of gentle circular Tellington TTouches that works at the cellular level to activate the body’s potential.

Linda Tellington-Jones, PhD (Hon) created the Tellington®  Method in 1983 for the training and care of horses and dogs. While learning TTouch for their animals, horse and pet owners practiced these techniques on each other to better understand what their animals were experiencing. It became apparent that TTouch was also for people too. People of all ages have come to realised  a great sense of well-being and renewal using TTouch®. People also found relief from everyday physical and emotional issues such as headaches, backache, neck pain, depression, and sensitivity to touch, using the method.

The healthcare world is starting to recognise TTouch-for-You®  with nurses, massage therapists, physical therapists, physicians and occupational therapists successfully integrating TTouch-for-You® ® into their work. For example, nurses use TTouch-for-You® ® for post-fracture swelling, labour pain, wound care, and the management of edema, pain and anxiety. Massage Therapists and Physical Therapists find TTouch-for-You® ® effective in cases of chronic pain and Fibromyalgia. In clinical applications, many healthcare professionals experience much needed relaxation and stress-relief for themselves using the method.

In other areas, schoolteachers are using TTouch-for-You®  in the classroom to address behavioural issues and to facilitate problem-solving and positive growth and development in their pupils.

In one’s personal life, TTouch-for-You® ® can be a means to enhance relationships beyond the constraints of language. Parents are finding new ways to connect with their kids. Couples are deepening their relationships and discovering new ways to nurture one another in a non-sexual way. Friends come to new levels of understanding and appreciation. TTouch-for-You® ® is a powerful tool to enrich all interpersonal relationships.

TTouch-for-You® is easy to learn, requires no special equipment and it works! Over the past 20 years, hundreds of cases show TTouch-for-You® to be a simple and effective means to relieve a vast range of common and uncommon health issues – from a simple headache to a life threatening emergency*. Anecdotal evidence has been gathered to support the effectiveness of TTouch-for-You® to enhance personal wellness and quality of life. 

Linda’s trust in intuitive has lead her to a basic principle of Tellington TTouch®: She believes each one of us has the potential to “Remember our perfection.”

* TTouch-for-You® is not a replacement for medical care.

Linda Tellington-Jones Explains more

TTouch-for-You®  has been used successfully for:

  • Fostering a sense of well-being
  • Reducing stress
  • Pain relief in neck, back and legs
  • Migraine relief
  • Depression
  • Releasing unfounded fear and anxiety
  • Managing panic attacks
  • Management of arthritis pain
  • Stroke support
  • Enhancing focus and learning in the classroom
  • Helping youth at risk
  • Improved quality of life for seniors
  • Deepening interpersonal relationships
  • And much more

Here are comments from people who have experienced the benefits of Tellington TTouch:

“I have dozens of self-improvement tapes. I am a hypnotist. Doing the TTouch on animals and friends, I can notice the most obvious change in me. I am more approachable. I am more willing to touch people, I am more confident about my life. I also am taking more chances. TTouch is basic to people’s happiness and health, but fear has prevented me from accepting or eliciting it with people around me. I am positive that the TTouches are making a transformation in my life and those around me.” Jean F


“Aside from the remarkable changes in my ‘TTEAMed’ animals since I started doing the work on them, I’ve hooked some human animals by doing Tellington TTouch at work. We generally work 14-hour days shooting for TV and people get quite stressed and tired. Facial work and lifts on the head plus shoulders, and neck bring pie-eyed results. I feel like my head was going to float off and immensely help relieve the brain exhaustion we experience sometimes. I’ve helped pregnant friends and injured people too.” Karen C